As the vulnerability information is extremely sensitive, we strongly recommend you download and use our public PGP key (key ID EA4E2C1E; fingerprint: 261F BDCE 3BFA C4CE 77E4 41E7 D50E C964 EA4E 2C1E) to encrypt the information before sending it to us.
The email should include at least the following information:
- Your organization and contact information
- Products and versions affected
- Description of the potential vulnerability
- Information about known exploits
- Disclosure plans
- Additional information, if any
Vulnerability Acceptance
Analysis and Verification
Solution Development
Disclosure: Publishing security notifications of security vulnerabilities
Closed-loop improvement: collect and summarize customer opinions and practices used to guide the continuous improvement of the company's products.
After receiving the report, we will acknowledge it within 3 business days and conduct an initial assessment. Evaluation will be completed within 7 business days, and we will either fix the vulnerability or devise a remediation plan.